Numerology | Astrology Predictions by Numbers

Numerology is the science of Numbers which enables guidance on the basis of an individual’s date of birth. Numerology explains the journey of the soul in fascinating ways. We all are a sum total of experiences, desires, interests, strengths, weaknesses, emotions. Each one was born on a particular day which speaks volumes of karma at the time of birth and the name one is blessed with after birth which speaks about how the soul will tread the journey of life. Numerology bridges the gap between what one aspires to do and what one actually achieves.

Numerology is a spiritual way of delving into the mysteries of the unknown and understanding our karma in a positive way. There are several benefits of numerology, the main being knowing your strengths and weakness, aligning your goals to your life’s reality, empowering yourself by creating a spelling which rotates to a positive and progressive vibration, attract abundance in all spheres of life, lead a healthy and happy life, improvise on relationships and career and accept the challenges life throws at any time with resilience and strength.

The numbers derived by summing up the date is the radical number and the total of Date, Month and Year of birth is the lucky number of the individual. These two numbers play a significant role in his life. Numerology in India is practiced by using these two significant numbers to guide an individual about his lucky days, lucky or unlucky years in his lifetime and timing other events in his lifetime. Now further, the question arises as in how many different ways does numerology in India help the client? First and most ,frequent application of numerology in India is using date of birth as clue to choose a name letter and then to spell the name of an individual at the time of birth. Therefore, numerology in India are approached before the naming ceremony of the child to suggest a suitable name and spelling of the name for the new born baby.

Frequently Asked Questions For Meditation

  • How does Numerology work?
    Numerology works by assigning numerical values to letters in names and dates of birth, then analyzing these numbers to uncover insights into various aspects of a person's life, such as personality traits, strengths, weaknesses, and future opportunities.
  • What can Numerology reveal about me?
    Numerology can reveal a wide range of insights, including personality characteristics, life path, destiny, career potentials, relationship compatibility, and even auspicious times for important decisions or events.
  • How accurate is Numerology?
    The accuracy of Numerology readings can vary depending on the skill and experience of the practitioner, as well as the complexity of the analysis. Some people find Numerology to be incredibly accurate and insightful, while others may be more skeptical.
  • Can Numerology predict the future?
    Numerology doesn't predict the future in the same way as traditional fortune-telling methods. Instead, it offers insights into potential future trends and opportunities based on the vibrations associated with specific numbers and their influence on a person's life path.
  • How can I get a Numerology reading?
    You can get a Numerology reading from a qualified Numerologist, either in person or through online services. During a reading, the Numerologist will analyze your name and date of birth to provide insights and interpretations based on Numerological principles.
  • Can Numerology be combined with other practices like astrology or tarot?
    Yes, Numerology can be combined with other metaphysical practices like astrology, tarot, or Feng Shui to provide a more comprehensive understanding of one's life path and potential influences. Many practitioners integrate multiple modalities for a holistic approach to personal insight and guidance.